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Study without stress

Study Without Stress is a program for students in Grades 10 to 12 that equips them with knowledge and practical tips on how to approach and overcome the stress associated with heavy workload and exams in the final years of High School.Students are encouraged to participate in the program before stress has reached a severe level, however the program can be beneficial at any time.

Topics covered


Ida Shapievsky
Registered Psychologist


1.5 hrs x 6 sessions

1 hr x 8 sessions

Questions answered

The total cost of the group program is $400. This includes all sessions and workbooks, materials and handouts. Payment is required in full prior to taking part in the group. Some Medicare rebates may apply (up to $120)*For Medicare purposes, we require a minimum of 6 people in order to participate in the group format. Individual delivery is $200 per session with a rebate of $84 per session.

Whilst it can be helpful to participate in a group with peers going through similar experiences, we understand that this might not be the best option for everyone. As such, we do offer the program on a one-on-one basis for students who wish to complete the program individually with a clinician.

Please note that the cost will vary between participating in the program as part of a group and participating individually.

The Study Without Stress program is designed to help Year 10, 11 and 12 students manage stress associated with the HSC year. The program is not designed to be a psychological intervention for more severe anxiety or depression and therefore will not be suitable for some students who are experiencing these concerns. Psychological Assessment Solutions offers more intensive one-on-one treatment for adolescents that need help with such issues. Please phone or email our office if you feel that this is a more suitable option.

The group format program is run across 6 x 1.5-hour sessions outside of school hours. The individual format is run across 8 x 1hr sessions. Participants will also be required to spend a little time each week between sessions practising their skills or completing short tasks to facilitate their learning.

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