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Dyslexia in young children: a closer look

When can we identify dyslexia in children?

When it comes to dyslexia, the world seems awash with information, opinions, and myths that often leave parents and educators feeling like they are lost in a sea of uncertainty. This learning disorder, characterised by difficulties in reading, has sparked passionate debates on its origins, interventions, and even its existence. Amidst this cacophony of voices, one critical question looms: “When can we identify dyslexia in children?”

Myth #1 Spotting Dyslexia before age eight

A prevailing myth asserts that dyslexia remains elusive until age eight. Contrary to this, dyslexia can manifest signs long before a child’s eighth birthday. It surfaces when young learners struggle with reading and spelling despite receiving quality instruction and intensive interventions.

The key lies in the quality and duration of reading instruction, which we’ll explore shortly, unveiling its critical role in early dyslexia identification.

Myth #2 Unmasking Dyslexia through screening?

Another prevalent myth suggests dyslexia can be easily identified through simple screenings or checklists. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Remote assessments, without direct interaction with the child, yield unreliable results.

Comprehensive insights into Dyslexia

To understand dyslexia, consider a comprehensive definition embraced by authoritative bodies like the International Dyslexia Association (IDA), AUSPELD, the NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development), and DSF. Dyslexia embodies five key attributes:

  • Neurobiological Roots: Dyslexia has deep neurobiological underpinnings.
  • Reading Hurdles: It entails challenges in reading accuracy and fluency.
  • Phonological Complexity: Often, it involves difficulties in phonological (and/or orthographic) processing.
  • Unforeseen Struggles: Dyslexia surfaces unexpectedly despite effective instruction.
  • Broad Impact: It contributes to limited vocabulary, general knowledge, and poor reading comprehension.

This aligns with the diagnostic criteria for specific learning disorders in reading in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM 5).

The path to Dyslexia diagnosis and unveiling the diagnostic process

Diagnosing Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) like dyslexia entails a multifaceted approach:

1. Historical Scrutiny: Examine the individual’s developmental, medical, educational, and family history.

2. Comprehensive Testing: Evaluate through standardised tests, including reading accuracy, fluency, comprehension, spelling, cognitive processing, and cognitive ability.

3. Intervention Assessment: Assess the student’s response after at least six months of targeted intervention addressing their weaknesses.

For dyslexia diagnosis, the student must undergo structured, intensive reading intervention for at least six months. This often includes structured synthetic phonics programs like Sounds~Write, MiniLit, MacqLit, or Reading Mastery.

When can Dyslexia be confidently diagnosed?

Many schools screen children before their first grade (usually ages four to six). However, these screenings aren’t meant to pinpoint dyslexia. They identify students needing early intervention, focusing on building fundamental literacy skills.

Structured reading instruction typically starts in first grade. While most students flourish with early support, some struggle with reading difficulties. Explicit, intensive instruction becomes crucial to prevent further academic setbacks for these students. Most benefit significantly, but some may require personalised approaches.

Comprehensive assessments help profile students and identify unique needs. They differentiate between language impairments (assessed by speech pathologists) and learning disorders (assessed by psychologists). These assessments guide the selection of appropriate instructional strategies and resources.

In summary, while diagnosing dyslexia requires meticulous scrutiny, confident diagnosis is unlikely before mid to late year one, assuming all diagnostic criteria are met.

Navigating the complexities of early dyslexia identification requires dispelling myths and embracing a holistic understanding of this learning disorder. By doing so, we pave the way for timely interventions that can profoundly impact a child’s educational journey.

Understand better, act sooner. Book your personalised Dyslexia Assessment or contact us if you need any support.


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